From Teacher Side-Hustle to Full Time TPT Business Owner
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From Teacher Side-Hustle to Business Owner with Amy Porterfield

I see many posts from TPT sellers about how nervous they are about leaving the classroom and turn their teacher side-hustle to work on TPT full-time. It’s a scary thought to leave the consistency of teaching and going all in on a business you’re not sure will last.

I was SO lucky to have a special guest on the podcast today! None other than online business marketing expert Amy Porterfield! 

Through her best-selling courses and top-ranked marketing podcast Online Marketing Made Easy, Amy Porterfield has helped hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs turn in their two weeks’ notice and trade burnout for freedom, income, and impact. Amy’s action-by-action teaching style provides aspiring business owners with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and build a business they love.

You can follow Amy on Instagram at @amyporterfield and visit her website at

In this episode, we chat about the steps you can take to leave the classroom and turn your TPT side-hustle into a full-time teacher business. You can tune in to the podcast or watch the video above!

Listen to the Episode



Key Takeaways

  •  The pivotal meeting that Amy was a part of where she realized she wanted something bigger and better for her life.
  • Consider really thinking about your why  – why do you want to go out on your own?
  • Adding a date to your calendar is a great exit strategy and a great way to ask yourself what to do to be ready for that date.
  • Be careful of who you tell when you decide to leave – keep it to only a few trusted people!
  • Don’t let your customers treat you like an employee – you are your own boss and you get to call the shots.
  • You don’t need a man to help you (even your hubby)!
  • Starting a teacher side-hustle (like TPT) is a great first step into alleviating money anxiety. A little goes a long way.
  • You will not have it all figured out the day you quit your job and are working on your business full-time. It takes time! Two Weeks Notice is a book that lays it all out step-by-step on what to do.
  • Your first year as a full-time entrepreneur does not define you. It’s okay to make mistakes.
  • Make sure to find your people and a community of other teacher sellers that you can give and receive support.


Creative Action Tip

I highly encourage you to check out Amy’s upcoming book, Two Weeks Notice if you’re thinking about starting a full-time business but not sure what the best next steps are.

amy porterfield two weeks notice book

This book is for you if…

» Your time is precious, and you want to spend it on projects that are genuinely exciting for you.

» You can’t remember the last time your principal or admin thanked you for a job well done.

» You want more to look forward to than being off for summer break.

» You would quit your job in a heartbeat if only you knew HOW.

» You want to design your life instead of leaving it up to someone else.

Two Weeks Notice will be released on February 21 wherever you love to buy books!

I highly encourage you to pick up this read – whether you just have a business idea, you are looking for tips to grow and strengthen your TPT business, and everything in between.

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