If you're interested about service providers and how they help other teacher business owners, this is a must-listen! I have special guest Chloe Tascoff on the podcast to talk about all things hiring for your TPT business!

Chloe is a former teacher-turned-business-owner. She started out selling her resources on TpT and while doing so, accidentally slipped into video marketing for teacher authors! Chloe currently lives in Ohio with her two children, two dogs, and her husband.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • Chloe's journey as a service provider
  • The differences between a VA and a freelancer
  • Misconceptions about a service provider
  • How the hiring process typically looks like for most TPT sellers
  • What TPT sellers should realistically expect when hiring a service provider
  • Best practices for managing a project when hiring out 

Resources and Links

Follow Chloe at @videomarketingtpt and chloe.tascoff 

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