Digital resources in this day and age are a necessity.

With many students learning virtually due to the pandemic, TPT resources that don’t have the flexibility to be for both face-to-face and distance learning may end up hurting, rather than helping your sales.

What are you to do when all you have in your TPT store are printable resources? How can you convert these to digital without having to start completely from scratch?

Well my friend, this is where repurposing comes into play (and a little bit of tech know-how)!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Steps to create a digital resource in Google Slides after creating in PowerPoint
  • Tips on using Easel through TPT
  • A little shortcut that I like to use to easily flatten and secure my files (and upload to Google Slides!)

Don't forget the watch the tutorial video here to see an example in action!

Resources and Links

Register for the Spice Up Your Store Challenge >>

Get certified in TPT Easel

Flatpack by Bearwood Labs

Submit a question for the CTP Q&A!

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