Are you a teacher seller who isn't entirely sure what type of resources to create? Maybe you're not sure exactly what captures a potential customer's attention or what drives them to buy certain TPT products… and sidestep others.
You're in luck! This episode is a little close to home for me. I chat with my sister-in-law and fellow teacher Megan Hunt about what she looks for in a quality resource and listing.
Megan Hunt is a 1st grade teacher who lives and works in Magnolia, TX. She has 2 years under her belt and is all about SIMPLIFYING!
Megan shares tons of insights into teaching during the pandemic. She may even be your ideal teacher customer! This episode is a must-listen to for any TpT seller who wants to do some market research.
In this episode, you will learn:
- positives and struggles of being a teacher during the pandemic
- types of resources that stand out on TPT
- what teachers might look for when deciding which resources to buy
- the types of resources there could be more of to help support during this time
- the type of resources we should consider making less of
Let's connect!
- TPT Store: The Southern Teach
- Website:
- Instagram: @thesouthernteach.designs
- Facebook: The Southern Teach Design and Branding