Is product creation feeling overwhelming for you? Or maybe the systems you currently are using aren’t quite up to shape, and it’s taking you much longer to upload finished resources?

In the last couple of years as an active seller in my TPT business, I have been able to add in dozens of quality resources in my store – all while teaching full-time. Wanna know how? 

I’d love to share with you my process of creating resources! You can snag some ideas from this episode and make it your own, or use the process yourself!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Questions to ask yourself when you are in the planning stages
  • My recommendation as you outline what your resource will look like
  • Tips as you create your resource on your device
  • When it's the best time to revise and edit (and when it's not)
  • Steps to prepare your resource to be uploaded on TPT

Try some or all of this process with your next resource. Start with one resource at the time and then depending on your speed, you can add on and batch similar resources together!

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Bearwood Labs – Flat Pack

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